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2001 120th Pl SE, Apt 1-303
Everett 98208
United States


Blog Time

Finally, I can say that my new website has been launched. After months of recreating my content, photographs, layout and design, I called technical support in India and she walked me through and did the finishing touches for re-directing my website.

Now, you can click and purchase on any item. You can see my new show schedule, which includes all of my out-of-town shows, including Sedona, Arizona and Austin, Texas in October 2015!

I am so happy and excited to launch not only my new website but my new look and attitude falling into a beautiful new season: Autumn.

Filtering by Author: Susie Larsson

I am back and could not stay away for too long!

Susie Larsson

Back in the beginning of February, I announced that my business was on a permanent hiatus until I hit retirement, in 5 - 10 years.

I couldn’t be gone that long. My true center of life is creating. I worked extremely hard at a corporate job for 6 months and this Friday will be my last day. I felt like I was in boot-camp and I was away from home almost 12 hours each day. It was an exciting time to commute by bus into Bellevue every day. I enjoyed what I did for a while but the job was so taxing on my body, spirit and creativity.

I’ve had special orders from some of my customers during this “hiatus” of mine, but beginning on Saturday, 15th September, I will be back.

I’ll be preparing for my two shows in the beginning of October, the first and second weekends. My first show will be in Bend, Oregon and the second will be in Sedona, Arizona. I will not rush back home, hopefully, but head east towards New Mexico and check that out. I spent a very short time in New Mexico years ago. Essentially, visiting only one museum in Santa Fe and then continuing on, driving and driving, moving along to the next place.

Over these months, I have contemplated why my business has not done well. I can blame it partially on the pandemic and financial responsibilities that came up in the past. When I first started my jewelry business full-time, I was in a relationship where I only had to pay half of all of the mortgage and bills. This helped tremendously.

I look forward to this journey ahead of me, again, and don’t know how long I can continue in my present circumstances. I live in an expensive area, my condo mortgage is due every month and my HOA dues have almost doubled in 8 years. Utilities have gone up as well as grocery prices and everything else.

I may have to move away from my condo. I have considered this possibility often in the past years. Moving to another state that is closer to the art shows I attend every year. Closer to the center of the United States. Moving into a place where I can afford to live comfortably without the high overhead costs of living in the Pacific Northwest.

Stay tuned to find out what I may do in the future. I don’t even know…

September 8, 2024