Contact Us

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2001 120th Pl SE, Apt 1-303
Everett 98208
United States


Returns Policy

If you are not completely satisfied with your product, please return your item. Please make sure to keep it in the original packaging, if possible.

A 100% refund will be given to you if the item purchased is from my stock, it is NOT a custom order and the product is returned within 30 days after you receive your product.

Please contact me directly with any questions or concerns.

The jewelry you have purchased can be returned to me, preferably in the original box, or mailed with a protective box within 30 days of receipt. I will mail you a check in the full amount after I have received the jewelry. Your 100% satisfaction is very important.

Custom orders will not be refunded. Only my stock jewelry made in a different size may be returned.

Repairs: I will fix any piece of jewelry you return to me without charge, if it is a defect on my part. If you have not followed the care instructions, I will charge you for the repair and the shipping costs.

You can contact me through email or telephone directly for my mailing address:


Phone: 1.206.353.7983