Contact Us

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2001 120th Pl SE, Apt 1-303
Everett 98208
United States


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Shipping Info

The prices listed are in US dollars. If you live outside of the United States, the cost to ship your jewelry will be higher. Please contact me directly for a quote.

Your jewelry is hand-made and will take time to arrive. I strive to make your jewelry and mail it out to you between 5 and 10 working days. During the summer months, I will often have a back log of custom-made pieces. Please be patient. I will inform you when I receive your order that your piece may take between 3 - 6 weeks to make.

Each piece of jewelry is carefully created with hand-stamped Sterling Silver or 14kt Gold stamped jewelry tags on each piece. Each piece is carefully packaged and mailed through the United States Postal Service. To keep my shipping costs at a minimum, I will ship it first-class unless you would like to pay extra for your shipping. Please contact me directly.

If you are interested  in expediting your jewelry because you have made a last-minute purchase, please contact me directly, and I can see what I can do. There will be a surcharge attached to a rush order.