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2001 120th Pl SE, Apt 1-303
Everett 98208
United States



Care Instructions

Please take care of this hand-made product. It is strong, but delicate. Keep your jewelry away from direct sunlight and do not submerge in any water.


The jewelry I make is hand-made, using a needle and strong thread (6lb & 10b), much like fishing line. I have made sure to stitch the jewelry very strong, but I do advise you to be careful with your jewelry. Be mindful when wearing your bracelet or necklace and especially if you are putting on a sweater or jacket, as the jewelry may get caught in the stitches. I also advise you to keep your jewelry out of direct sunlight as the beads' plating may change, especially with the metallic beads. Wearing your jewelry while swimming or taking a shower is not advised. The plating on the beads will darken or wear off, especially with the metallic beads.